2 February 2022
Quartzelec are proud to be a part of the upcoming Steam Turbine and Generator User Group 2022, to be held live and in person on 16-17 March 2022 in Manchester.
Organised by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the user group will once again bring together this specialist engineering community to discuss key challenges, share new solutions, present case studies of recent projects and offer innovative strategies to enhance the operation, maintenance and efficiency of these assets.
Quartzelec will be contributing to this year’s programme with presentations covering an evaluation of insulation systems through high voltage endurance testing and techniques to detect Vibration Spark Erosion in generators. We will join more than 30 presentations across the two days from organisations including RWE, Uniper, GE, Ansaldo and more.
If you would like to join us, simply contact the IMechE and quote code SPONSOR15 to get a 15% discount. We look forward to seeing all attendees at our stand in the exhibition hall and during the networking dinner.